
This is your new website! On this page you’ll find style and admin details about your site, as well helpful tips and tricks to keep up with your new abode.

If you have Squarespace support questions (your site is down, an element is “glitchy” or any other system-type issue) you can contact Squarespace directly.

Style Guide


Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Normal paragraph: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur urna tellus, lacinia id iaculis nec, cursus sit amet ex. Etiam euismod ut diam nec pulvinar.


Font Types

Base size 16px

Headings 1: Modernline (custom)

Heading 2-4: Futura

Paragraphs: Montserrat

Buttons: Poppins

Miscellaneous: Poppins

Section Color Theme

#a8a6a1   |   dfe0e1    |     38383b

#a8a6a1 | dfe0e1 | 38383b
