Hey there!
I’m Mellisha Fehr
I'm an Alberta gal with a heart for ocean breezes and mountain wildflowers. I enjoy being in my whole foods kitchen, getting my hands in the dirt, learning and developing new skills, and wearing positive affirmation tees. I've been in love with healthy living for over twenty years!
Finding my path…
A once shy and uncertain human born to a single Cree mother, I struggled to find my way. I often felt like I didn't belong, living a half in and half out existence: one part Cree, the other a mystery. My mind often separated me from the world as my heart tugged at me to get closer to the unknown. It was when I embraced the 'unknown', fell in love with mystery, and opened to the wholeness of who I am that my life began to blossom.
It sounds pretty, but blossoming isn't all rainbows and butterflies. I've found myself near a sort of death a few times, old versions of me passing away so new growth could make way. Letting go of what I believed to be true—old stories that needed new beginnings and inter-connectedness.
I grew from lack and self-doubt into the woman I’ve become; I’m a successful health + wellness business owner, mother, daughter, friend, partner, and an ever-expanding self. I get to do the work I love and love my life while doing it. Over the years, I’ve studied with many masters and came to embrace the healing art of Lomi Lomi through Kumu Jeana Iwalani Naluai, who has been integral on my path. At the same time, I’m diving into my ancestors' indigenous teachings, a forever unfolding.
On the surface…
On the surface, our challenges are unique. Perhaps you've leaned into that uniqueness and experienced the increasing isolation and now understand that travelling deeper is the path home, the path toward feeling that divine inter-unity that is our ultimate purpose, toward a life of constant epiphanies about our togetherness, both within and without.
For me, that deepening started in a yoga class where I felt my roots take hold in the rich soil of my life. Yoga led to a cleanse of my inner and outer world and a body of work that is aligned, on purpose, and of service. With the awareness that I am unique on the surface while my roots interlace with others' hearts. I am incredibly grateful to say that I get to do the work I love, helping people uncover their truth, inner beauty, and a path to live better.
I’m probably brewing tea or hiking in the hills, imagining how I can help more people experience a radiant, passionate, brilliant life that gives them everlasting love and joy.
I could also be planning my next adventure. I love exploring new places around the world—nature and travel are forever inspiring me.
“Each one of us has the ability to be part of the change. When hearts unite, stand and march together, a powerful force is created. The work is an inside job, when we create a loving home within, the shared world we live in is changed, one heart at a time.”

"I aspire to inspire others to live a beautiful, healthy lifestyle that’s in harmony with nature and their heart. Everyone deserves to live a life that they love!"